Dignity & Defiance - The Life of the Ghetto: People and Organizations - Dignity & Defiance: "Buoyed by its success, the ZOB spent the next few months in preparation for the final Nazi offensive. Bunkers were built and supplies, such as were available, were stored. The ZOB's active units consisted of approximately 330 fighters, and another 165 in smaller independent units.
The final liquidation of the Ghetto began on Monday, April 19, 1943, the eve of Passover, the Jewish festival of liberation. The Nazis were initially forced to retreat, and finally had to burn the Ghetto, using poison gas and tear gas, to achieve their victory. The Jewish command staff largely either fell in the fighting or died in the ZOB headquarters bunker at 18 Mila Street on May 8. Only a handful survived, including Marek Edelman, Yitzhak Zuckerman, and Zivia Lubetkin."
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Dignity & Defiance - The Life of the Ghetto: People and Organizations - Dignity & Defiance
Dignity & Defiance - The Life of the Ghetto: People and Organizations - Dignity & Defiance
Dignity & Defiance - The Life of the Ghetto: People and Organizations - Dignity & Defiance: " However, when reports of the Einsatzgruppen reached Warsaw in the fall of 1941, Zuckerman turned to armed resistance, and became a member of the staff of the ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization) in July 1942.
During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Zuckerman was sent out of the Ghetto to the Polish side as the ZOB's liaison with other underground groups. He attempted to supply the Uprising with arms, but received only minimal support. Later, Zuckerman fought in the Polish uprising of 1944."
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During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Zuckerman was sent out of the Ghetto to the Polish side as the ZOB's liaison with other underground groups. He attempted to supply the Uprising with arms, but received only minimal support. Later, Zuckerman fought in the Polish uprising of 1944."
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Dignity & Defiance - The Life of the Ghetto: People and Organizations - Dignity & Defiance
Dignity & Defiance - The Life of the Ghetto: People and Organizations - Dignity & Defiance: "Samuel Zygelbojm, Polish Bundist (Jewish Socialist) leader, was, after a career of union activism, one of the twelve public figures the Germans took as hostages when they occupied Warsaw. After his release he represented the Bund on the first Warsaw Judenrat (Jewish Council established by the Nazis). In December 1939, in danger of being arrested, Zygelbojm was sent out of the country by the Bund to report on conditions in German-occupied Poland."
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Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News
Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "Arens then explains information not widely known about the uprising. "In Paneriai, a neighborhood of Vilnius, 30,000 people were murdered, and that is where the first Partisan organization was established, the unified organization that included everyone. At its head stood a Communist and his Beitar and Ha’Sho’mer Ha’Tza’ir lieutenants."
"Their first operation was sending 4 youths to Warsaw, no easy task under the German regime, with the objective of informing the people of Warsaw that the Jews were being murdered. The greatest concern was that the information wasn’t getting through.""
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"Their first operation was sending 4 youths to Warsaw, no easy task under the German regime, with the objective of informing the people of Warsaw that the Jews were being murdered. The greatest concern was that the information wasn’t getting through.""
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Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News
Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "told a new version of the story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
The event was organized by Women In Green (Nashim B'Yarok), a grassroots organization which involves women in efforts to maintain the security of Judea and Samaria's Jewish residents.
Arens started off by referring to how difficult it is for most Jews in Israel to comprehend the reality in those days, when Jews were being led to the furnaces, allegedly without resistance.
He then spoke about the meeting between representatives of the Jewish communities in Kibbutz Yagur with Zivia Lubetkin, who had escaped from Europe and arrived in the Land of Israel, and who then told them of the Uprising in Warsaw."
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The event was organized by Women In Green (Nashim B'Yarok), a grassroots organization which involves women in efforts to maintain the security of Judea and Samaria's Jewish residents.
Arens started off by referring to how difficult it is for most Jews in Israel to comprehend the reality in those days, when Jews were being led to the furnaces, allegedly without resistance.
He then spoke about the meeting between representatives of the Jewish communities in Kibbutz Yagur with Zivia Lubetkin, who had escaped from Europe and arrived in the Land of Israel, and who then told them of the Uprising in Warsaw."
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Warsaw Ghetto Fights and Polish Home Army Q's and A's
Warsaw Ghetto Fights and Polish Home Army Q's and A's: "n 1942 the SS commenced their programme of "Resettlement of the Warsaw Jews to the work camps in the East". By the end of 1942 there were only about 70,000 left in the Ghetto.
On obtaining convincing evidence from the Polish Underground that deportations were in fact to the death camps, the Jewish Combat Organisation (ZOB - Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa) decided to put up a fight against the SS and Police attempting to liquidate the Ghetto."
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On obtaining convincing evidence from the Polish Underground that deportations were in fact to the death camps, the Jewish Combat Organisation (ZOB - Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa) decided to put up a fight against the SS and Police attempting to liquidate the Ghetto."
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Holocaust Survivors, Families Take Part In Holocaust Remembrance Day Events « CBS New York
Holocaust Survivors, Families Take Part In Holocaust Remembrance Day Events « CBS New York: "The event featured a candle-lighting ceremony that symbolizes passing memories from one generation to the next.
“The event is an extremely powerful and moving event, which the public can follow on the Internet. It’s very important for people to come together at least once a year to mark this occasion and to remember and to mourn and to honor those who survived,” Marwell said."
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“The event is an extremely powerful and moving event, which the public can follow on the Internet. It’s very important for people to come together at least once a year to mark this occasion and to remember and to mourn and to honor those who survived,” Marwell said."
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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust-Bystanders
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust-Bystanders: "Claude Lanzmann's documentary, Shoah, provides another portrait of the bystander.
At first, bystanders who were interviewed in this documentary engaged in self-deception about the murder of Jews. Only after lengthy questioning did they finally acknowledge that they chose their roles deliberately, even when they could have done otherwise.
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At first, bystanders who were interviewed in this documentary engaged in self-deception about the murder of Jews. Only after lengthy questioning did they finally acknowledge that they chose their roles deliberately, even when they could have done otherwise.
"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out
because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out
because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the labor leaders, and I did not speak out
because I was not a labor leader.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one
left to speak out for me"
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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust-Bystanders
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust-Bystanders: "Bystanders may have remained unaware, or perhaps were aware of victimization going on around them, but, being fearful of the consequences, chose not to take risk to help Nazi victims. Cynthia Ozick writes,
Indifference is not so much a gesture of looking away--of choosing to be passive--as it is an active disinclination to feel. Indifference shuts down the humane, and does it deliberately, with all the strength deliberateness demands. Indifference is as determined--and as forcefully muscular--as any blow."
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Indifference is not so much a gesture of looking away--of choosing to be passive--as it is an active disinclination to feel. Indifference shuts down the humane, and does it deliberately, with all the strength deliberateness demands. Indifference is as determined--and as forcefully muscular--as any blow."
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Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News
Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "Arens then explains information not widely known about the uprising. "In Paneriai, a neighborhood of Vilnius, 30,000 people were murdered, and that is where the first Partisan organization was established, the unified organization that included everyone. At its head stood a Communist and his Beitar and Ha’Sho’mer Ha’Tza’ir lieutenants."
"Their first operation was sending 4 youths to Warsaw, no easy task under the German regime, with the objective of informing the people of Warsaw that the Jews were being murdered. The greatest concern was that the information wasn’t getting through.""
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"Their first operation was sending 4 youths to Warsaw, no easy task under the German regime, with the objective of informing the people of Warsaw that the Jews were being murdered. The greatest concern was that the information wasn’t getting through.""
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Museum of Family History
Museum of Family History: "The Museum of Family History is currently working on an exhibition due out in 2010 entitled "The Jewish Ghetto." It will predominantly be about the ghettos created during the Second World War into which Jewish citizens were forceably relocated. The exhibition will include photographs, first and third person accounts, newspaper articles, audio clips and more."
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Saturday, April 26, 2014
Washington Workshops Foundation: About
Washington Workshops Foundation: About: "ince 1967, the Washington Workshops Foundation has provided experience-based educational travel programs to highly motivated, academically prepared, and inquisitive people from across the United States and around the world. The majority of our programs have brought students and educators to Washington, D.C. for a more comprehensive understanding of leadership, civic education, the federal government, U.S. politics, American history, and global affairs. Programs available include simulations of the U.S. Congress, internships, academically themed seminars, professional development, and person-to-person exchange"
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Washington Workshops Foundation: About
Washington Workshops Foundation: About: "ince 1967, the Washington Workshops Foundation has provided experience-based educational travel programs to highly motivated, academically prepared, and inquisitive people from across the United States and around the world. The majority of our programs have brought students and educators to Washington, D.C. for a more comprehensive understanding of leadership, civic education, the federal government, U.S. politics, American history, and global affairs. Programs available include simulations of the U.S. Congress, internships, academically themed seminars, professional development, and person-to-person exchange"
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Top 10 reasons to choose Just Host web hosting | Just Host
Top 10 reasons to choose Just Host web hosting | Just Host: "We know that finding a cheap, reliable web host is not a simple task, so we've put all the information you need in one place to help you make your decision. At Just Host, we pride ourselves on our commitment to our customers, and we want to make sure they have all the details they need before making that big decision."
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5 Best Web Hosting Companies of 2014 | How to Get Online
5 Best Web Hosting Companies of 2014 | How to Get Online: "the Different Types of Web Hosting
Web hosting is a required service for anyone who wants to have a website. It basically puts your website on a server and makes it viewable on the internet. This service is sold by a web hosting provider and can vary in price depending on the size and type of your website. Most small businesses and individuals require a shared hosting plan for their website which usually costs around $5 per month. In addition to web hosting, you will also need to register a domain name,"
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Web hosting is a required service for anyone who wants to have a website. It basically puts your website on a server and makes it viewable on the internet. This service is sold by a web hosting provider and can vary in price depending on the size and type of your website. Most small businesses and individuals require a shared hosting plan for their website which usually costs around $5 per month. In addition to web hosting, you will also need to register a domain name,"
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Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Why I'm Thankful for Canva
Why I'm Thankful for Canva: "with Photoshop. I get the basics, but I want to be able to do so much more. What would take anyone relatively good with graphic design five minutes takes me three hours … I promise you that I am not exaggerating! I also admit that I often don’t take my own advice when it comes to Facebook cover photos. I suggest that businesses update these frequently or at least once a month."
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Interested In Becoming An Author? - Social Solutions Collective
Interested In Becoming An Author? - Social Solutions Collective: "add several new authors to the Social Solutions Collective team. If you’re interested, please fill out the short form below. Please let us know what topic you’re interested in covering, in the message section.
We’re currently looking for authors to cover:
Video Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Public Relations
Social Selling"
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We’re currently looking for authors to cover:
Video Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Public Relations
Social Selling"
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Friday, April 4, 2014
CF001: Second Law of Thermodynamics
CF001: Second Law of Thermodynamics: "entropy is not the same as disorder. Sometimes the two correspond, but sometimes order increases as entropy increases. (Aranda-Espinoza et al. 1999; Kestenbaum 1998) Entropy can even be used to produce order, such as in the sorting of molecules by size (Han and Craighead 2000)."
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Life: No Standing Anytime!
Life No Standing Anytime:
A concept who's time has come, allowing yourself to do all of those things that you know need to do, to make your life meaningful, enriched, and sublime.
Warning: This post is about getting things done that you want to do, not necessarily about the things you need to or must do! People who have urgent pressing matters to handle with very little actual time (measured in minutes or hours) might not do well with the strategy presented here relating to accomplishing things along the lines of your destiny.
The image below is a nice literal distraction that actually helped me to get started on today's article. It's not 100% related, yet I decided to keep it, at least for my first version of today's blog.Thank you TriceyG.
Lesson Number 1:
There may came a time in your life when you end up owning your time, the first lesson is being addressed to people who fall into this category:
When you first wake up in the morning you are often partaking of two worlds, the one you just left, and the one you are about to enter. A person who has many things they plan, hope and need to accomplish, wakes up, often without a clue to where they should begin:
Though bubble: Absolute Truth written after this brief article was completed: I woke up very early this morning after getting a rare good night's sleep where I woke up a little bit after 6 am and actually stayed up. I grabbed a nibble out of the fridge, and did not even make myself a cup of coffee! Also I turned on the TV and was watching: Jessica's Social Media.
According to Stephen C. Sanders, one of the most frequently quoted authors on Seed Theory; the best way to utilize this time is doing the very thing that you yourself know is your strongest skill.
- If you enjoy writing and perhaps have some developed skills along those lines, than start writing.
- According to many experts people are at their best in the morning.
- Do not pay attention to your own negative thinking. Your negative thinking is one of the most powerful adversaries which you will face on a daily basis.
- The morning is one of those recurring times in your life when the day is longest, so if there is something that you just love to do, then why not do it when you first wake up?
- Your negative mind speak may now be giving you all sorts of reasons why these revolutionary ideas you have just heard are simply not practical, outlandish or incorrect.
SelfSpeak: I will accomplish one thing today, which is difficult to do, yet is doable in less than three hours and will bring me a great sense of pride and accomplishment and yes- even bragging rights!looking to insert a share app hereWe all function in a linear world we much of what we think or do in a robot-like fashion has been programmed into us, starting from a very early age. If you are indeed at a point in your life where you effectively, practically and in fact own all of your time; then there is absolutely no reason to not try to incorporate the principle of doing the thing that you are absolutely the best at when you first wake up in the morning.
Now that I am done, I can go downstairs and make myself a cup of coffee!
Autobiographical Note: Becoming the source of your own photographs was a college level photography course I took at the New School for Social Research, while I was currently enrolled in the High School of Art & Design in New York City during 11th grade.
Stephen C. Sanders- Exclusively for MyWorldMyWork.com currently hosted in it's beta version on blogspot. April 4, 2014, 7:38 am
Do not be afraid to be original, to be different. Doing what everyone else does, and talking about the things that everyone else talks about is all fine and good; yet thinking the way you want to think, and working in the manner that you find works well, is the goal. [Brief article or blurb; about the author is coming soon]
At moments of great stress and time pressure, the thing to avoid is panic and frenetic non-productive activity. Just two hours of focused activity can lead to the accomplishment of great tasks!
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Here is Israel Houghton singing his new song "You Hold My World" during a live Sunday, January 9, 2011 11am worship service at Lakewood Church."
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Thursday, April 3, 2014
Time Management from Behind the Eight Ball
Time Management When You Are Hopelessly Behind Of Everything!
An introduction narrowing down the problem, and digging out of a long term rut.
Succeeding Now & not putting it off until later. By Stephen C. Sanders- MyWorldMyWork.com (in pre-launch phase-of course) April 3, 2014 11:07 am Windham, New York.
Succeeding Now & not putting it off until later. By Stephen C. Sanders- MyWorldMyWork.com (in pre-launch phase-of course) April 3, 2014 11:07 am Windham, New York.
The problem with many of the time management concepts out there is the underlying premise that one is starting out with a relatively clean, or at least typical level of work load that they are facing.
This article is geared towards those who are already behind on major deadlines, have received second or third notices, are facing dire consequences, and routinely pay late fees!
People who most typically write on such topics are most likely powerful executives, who are expert in managing their time along with their workload. Therefore it is unlikely that they even a slight amount of familiarity with the real world problems of people who are nearly literally drowning in unmet deadlines, past due and late processing fees and charges.
Strategy, and implementing an action plan:
- To do lists only work if you use them, and go back to them:
- Getting oneself out of a major rut is a cause for celebration, not a simple line crossing out one or more items on a page.
- The largest obstacle for digging one self out of any given "rut" or backlog of work is one's own natural tendency to either avoid or put off doing something which must get done!
The solution is as follows: One- Realize that any of those handy gimmicks such as to do lists and the like, in your case are simply one more distraction. These tools in your particular situation are most likely going to give you a false sense of accomplishment.
Stop reading this article right now, and start doing the things which only you can do, starting with the number one most pressing thing that pops into your mind right now as you read this.
Why are you still here? Do not worry, I understand- do that other thing, the easier and more fun thing first, right now. Do the thing that you really wanted or needed to do on the internet before you indulged the more pleasure oriented aspect of yourself. Limit your time, doing this. Make a quiet little vow to yourself to spend no more than say 10-30 mins (time varies) but make sure you allow enough time, to get that other thing done!
That's all for now, because that is all you need to know. I too have to now turn my attention to the less fun and interesting thing, that needs to be done right now.
Please leave a comment, the next time you want to waste some time, and surf the web, and maybe by then, I will have another interesting idea to help you!
Guided Image For Photo & Today's Theme:
Imagine a world where the environment is much more hostile then the one we live in. When you slow down, and come to a halt (in areas where movement is essential- tendrils from beneath the very place you stand, grow around your stationary limbs, they hold you back, and pull you down. STOP is only allowed if you are indulging a whim, the time zone of now is to accomplish that thing which most heavily weighs on you. Do It Now! DINStephen C. Sanders
If you do not use the time that God has given you well, then other forces will become very active to make sure that you do not accomplish the things you want for your life!
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5 free open source alternatives to Microsoft Office | PCWorld: "Most free or open source alternatives to Microsoft Office have the basics applications for office productivity: word processing, spreadsheets and presentations. Several of the alternatives provide more, including drawing applications, database tools and storage options.
If you're looking to retire Microsoft Office, here are the details on five full-featured alternatives worth a try."
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If you're looking to retire Microsoft Office, here are the details on five full-featured alternatives worth a try."
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Wattpad Life Stories » Writing Your Future
Wattpad Life Stories » Writing Your Future: "Romi Moondi didn’t start out as a writer; she had to be strong-armed into writing by a particularly insistent high school English teacher. The teacher recognized her skill with words and gave Romi an ultimatum: write for the high school newspaper or face detention every day until you do."
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Friday, March 28, 2014
My World My Work
Today work seems to be a major issue all over the world.
Why should this be such a major issue?
Other people would ask how could one even ask such a question? Of course people all over the world need to work in order to earn the money that they need to pay for a great variety of essential things.
Naturally I agree. So the takeoff point for this brief essay becomes; how did the world get to the this point over perhaps the last seven or eight years?
Why is it in this day age of such sophistication that our society has not been able to keep pace with the changing demands that employers might have implemented that the citizens of the world, the potential employees, have not been able to keep up?
So far is seems like a few good questions have been thrown out there, that are worthy of consideration. Yet if one asks, why this should be such a major issue, our readers may to lead to believe that there are answers, to this question, that have not previously been considered!
[Thoughtful pause in the dialogue- as the questions and issues are crystallized so that explanations and answers can be offered]
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